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Category Archives: Martial Arts

The importance of consistency in your training

Ever since I first started training in martial arts I’ve been interested to find out why some people succeed in their training and become very skilful and others start off with the best of intentions but just never achieve the same results and then eventually give up. When I sit down and think back on […]

Avoiding injuries in Martial Arts

Injuries are one of the biggest reasons students quit their martial arts training. Many students quit either directly because of an injury, they take time off to recover and then never return. Alternatively when they return all of their training partners have improved so much that they feel that they’ll never catch up so they […]

5 motivational tips to train Martial Arts over the Christmas period

Christmas is upon us and as the festivities and drinks are flowing, our training usually takes a back seat. Gyms start to get quieter as peoples social calendars begin to fill up with work Christmas events, family parties, and end of year drinks. Here are some sure fire ways to keep you motivated over the […]