February 2024 - Australian Combat Sports Academy

Monthly Archives: February 2024

Unlocking Focus: The Muay Thai Guide for Busy Adults

In the whirlwind of modern life, maintaining focus can be a challenge for adults juggling various responsibilities. Our exploration today centres on Muay Thai, a timeless martial art that offers a unique avenue to elevate focus, mindfulness, and personal well-being for the busy individual. 1. Navigating Life’s Distractions with Muay Thai: Life’s demands often scatter […]

Muay Thai for Kids: A Year-Round Journey Towards Confidence, Skills, and Fitness

When it comes to enrolling your kids into a activities for 2024, parents just have too many options to pick from. Why Muay Thai then ? Our Muay Thai gym takes pride in offering a unique and comprehensive Kids Muay Thai program, designed to in still confidence, foster problem-solving skills, enhance social interactions, and promote […]

Crushing Your Muay Thai New Year’s Resolutions: A Guide to Success in Thornbury

Have you made a New Year’s resolution only to find it slipping away by February? You’re not alone. Studies show that a staggering 80% of resolutions fail by the second month of the year. But fear not! If your goal involves honing your Muay Thai skills and sculpting the best version of yourself, we’ve got […]