Workshop 1: Nutrition for High Intensity Martial Arts Training | Australian Combat Sports Academy

Workshop 1: Nutrition for High Intensity Martial Arts Training

So you’ve started Martial Arts training but have no idea what you should eat before or after a session to keep your energy levels up and for recovery. Don’t feel bad because most people don’t either. What better way to find out than attending the 1 hour work shop on nutrition run by Joanna Guy on nutrition for martial arts.

During the hour long workshop Joanna will be running through pre and post workout nutrition. What you should and shouldn’t be eating for your body to perform at its best. She is a qualified dietician, personal trainer and works with high level athletes such as cross fitters and triathletes. Click FULL PAGE for ticket details.

The workshop series will be held at Team Nemesis on Saturday 3rd June at 12pm. The cost of the workshop is $49 for all 3 workshops. Place are limited and once tickets are sold out then no more places will be available. Don’t miss out! Tickets can be purchased online here: